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Version: 7.5

Security Considerations

User Authentication Integration

Resolve Actions Pro can be integrated with an existing LDAP or Active Directory server for user authentication. This enables usernames and passwords to be managed via LDAP rather than separately within Actions Pro. However, the roles, permissions associated with roles, and assignment of roles to users are still managed within Actions Pro.
When a user logs into Actions Pro, Actions Pro first attempts to validate the credentials against the LDAP server as follows:

  • If the authentication is valid, access is permitted and the associated role gets assigned to the user.
  • If the LDAP authentication fails, Actions Pro will attempt to validate the credentials against its own internal users. If the authentication is valid, access will be permitted and they will assume the role(s) associated with the specified user.
  • Fall-back authentication can be disabled in the configuration; however, users will not be able to log in if the integrated server is unavailable.
  • If the Internal authentication fails, the user will fail to log in and the login form will be displayed.

Once the user has been authenticated, if the user does not exist in Actions Pro, then a new user gets created with the same username as the LDAP username. The default roles associated with the new user account are copied from the default template account called "User".

Process Flow

The process flow for authentication integration is shown below, and is applicable regardless of the third-party tool used.

Figure 1 - Authentication Process Flow

User Attribute Synchronization

Actions Pro will automatically synchronize some LDAP or Active Directory (AD) attributes with the internal Actions Pro user. The following attributes are copied from the LDAP/AD entities:

  • first name
  • last name
  • title
  • email
  • phone
  • mobile

If you choose LDAP:


If you choose AD:


Automatic Group Assignment

Actions Pro can automatically assign LDAP users to pre-defined Actions Pro groups based on existing group membership in LDAP or Active Directory. This greatly simplifies administration of user group and role permissions.

For LDAP users to be automatically assigned to Actions Pro groups, an Actions Pro group must be created with a group "description" field starting with "EXTERNAL:". If the LDAP user is a member of an LDAP/AD group that has the same name as the Actions Pro group (having "EXTERNAL:"), the Actions Pro group gets assigned to the user.

Actions Pro User Template

The default Actions Pro user "User" is used as a template for new LDAP users. The first time a user logs in and successfully authenticates against LDAP, Actions Pro automatically creates a new user definition by duplicating the "User" template and assigning properties from the user LDAP account.
The new user account gets set to:

  • User id: Username (the full username entered - e.g. domain.comusername).
  • First name: Username without the domain.
  • Roles: Copy from the "user".
  • Social Groups: The new user is automatically assigned the template user's groups and follows.

If a user logs into Actions Pro but specifies the username in different ways, then multiple accounts are created. For example, if the first time just the username is used, but the second time is used, then two distinct user accounts are created.

LDAP Authentication Setup

Actions Pro can be integrated with an existing LDAP server (for example, OpenLDAP) for user authentication. This enables username and passwords to be managed via LDAP rather than separately within Actions Pro, and users can login to Actions Pro using their LDAP username and password. However, the roles, role permissions, and role assignment are still managed within Actions Pro.

When a user logs in, Actions Pro first attempts to validate the credentials against the LDAP server as follows:

  1. If the authentication is valid, access is permitted and the associated role gets assigned to the user.
  2. If the LDAP authentication fails, the credentials are compared against those of internal Actions Pro users. If the authentication is valid, access is permitted and the user assumes the role(s) associated with the specified user.
  3. If the internal authentication fails, the user fails to log in and returns to the login screen.

New Users Auto-Creation

The first time user logs into Actions Pro and successfully authenticates against LDAP, Actions Pro checks to see if the user exists. If the user does not exist, Actions Pro automatically creates a new user definition based on the template called "user". The new user account gets set to:

  • User id: LDAP Username
  • First name: Username
  • Roles: Copied from the template "user"

It is highly recommended to assign groups to the template "user" account instead of individual roles because it simplifies future assignments and group/role changes.


The following Blueprint properties must be set for LDAP authentication.

Table 1 - LDAP Authentication

Blueprint PropertyDescriptionExample
rsview.auth.ldap.activeWhether LDAP Authentication is usedtrue
rsview.auth.ldap.ipaddressLDAP server IP address127.0.0.1
rsview.auth.ldap.portLDAP server Port number389
rsview.auth.ldap.sslWhether SSL connection to the LDAP server is neededfalse
rsview.auth.ldap.syncWhether to sync LDAP attributes with the Actions Pro user attributestrue
rsview.auth.ldap.fallbackWhether to fall back to Actions Pro local authentication of LDAP authentication failstrue
rsview.auth.ldap.basedn.dn.1BASE DN used to bind users, more than one BASE DN can be specified using .1, .2, etc.o=resolve,c=us
rsview.auth.ldap.modeConnection Mode Used, Mode types described belowBIND
rsview.auth.ldap.uid_attributeUser ID attributeuid
rsview.auth.ldap.bind_dnFull DN of user to bind for COMPARE modeo=resolve,c=us
rsview.auth.ldap.bind_passwordPassword of bind_dn user for COMPARE moderesolve
rsview.auth.ldap.password_attributeAttribute field for user passwords to use in COMPARE modeuserPassword
rsview.auth.ldap.crypt_typeType of encryption to use when comparing passwords in COMPARE mode (clear, crypt, or md5)CLEAR
rsview.auth.ldap.crypt_prefixPrefix string to use when comparing passwords in COMPARE mode (DEFAULT will change based on crypt type)DEFAULT
rsview.auth.ldap.versionLDAP Version3
rsview.auth.ldap.grouprequiredWhether or not an external group is required to fully authenticatefalse

These Blueprint properties, when applied, will be set in the <INSTALLDIR>/tomcat/webapps/resolve/WEB-INF/config.xml configuration file.

LDAP Authentication Modes

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service protocol that runs on a layer above the TCP/IP stack. It provides a mechanism used to connect to, search, and modify Internet directories. The LDAP directory service is based on a client-server model.

  • BIND - This mode will authenticate the user by "binding" the user to the LDAP server using the username/password provided by the user. The full user name that will be bound is cn=<username>,<base_dn> (e.g. cn=john.smith,o=sgi,c=us)
  • BIND_UID - This mode is like bind, but the user ID attribute (rsview.auth.ldap.uid_attribute) will be used in place of cn= when generating the full user name.
  • COMPARE - This mode will authenticate the user using the following steps:
  1. Bind to LDAP using the BIND DN and BIND Password attributes.
  2. Search for the user's encrypted password in the "Password Attribute" field.
  3. Encrypt the password provided by the user using the Crypt Type and Crypt Prefix (rsview.auth.ldap.crypt_type and rsview.auth.ldap.crypt_prefix).
  4. Compare the encrypted provided password with the encrypted password from the "Password Attribute" field.

Searching for the provided user will be done using the Base DN value (rsview.auth.ldap.base_dn) as the root DN to search from.

Auto-Assigning Groups

Actions Pro groups can be auto-assigned based on the user's existing LDAP groups ("member of" attribute). To make an Actions Pro group assignable through this method, just edit the description for the group so it starts with "EXTERNAL:". Once it is marked as external, it will auto-assign based on matching the Actions Pro group name to the values in the LDAP "memberof" attribute.


If the property rsview.auth.ldap.grouprequired is true, then the user must have at least one EXTERNAL marked group in order to authenticate to Actions Pro.

LDAPS (SSL/TLS) Configuration

See the Installation Guides (in the Community site) for instructions on setting up SSL support for Actions Pro web user interface.
To configure LDAPS, perform the following steps:

  1. Create and export a trusted root certificate (a .der file). The certificate file is named ldap.der. Instructions for creating a certificate are outside the scope of this document. Contact your security administrator.
  2. Import the certificate into the keystore file that you created for the HTTPS.

    Both HTTPS and LDAPS must use the same keystore file. For example, if ldap.der is the certificate filename and keystore is the keystore filename, use the command in step 3.

  3. Use the following command:
    /opt/resolve/jre/bin/keytool –import –file ldap.der –keystore /opt/resolve/ .keystore –alias "type=[](\=ldap"

    Step 3 may not be required because it may have already been set by Tomcat SSL Setup. Edit the rsview.tomcat.connector.https.keystoreFile and rsview.tomcat.connector.https.keystorePass Blueprint attributes with the keystore location and password (rsview.tomcat.https must be set to true also). This will set the following property in the <INSTALLDIR>tomcat/bin/
    For example:

  4. Change the to set LDAP SSL attribute to true and PORT to 636 as follows, then apply the Blueprint while the RSView is down:

Active Directory Authentication

Actions Pro can be set up to authenticate users who use Microsoft Active Directory. These users get validated against Active Directory first, and if that fails, then the credentials get validated against the internal users within Actions Pro. To validate Active Directory users, login by using a username and password. The following formats are supported:

  • username (requires the DEFAULT_DOMAIN configuration to be defined)
  • domain.comusername

If the login fails, the credentials are compared against the internal Actions Pro users.

New User Auto-Creation

The first time the user logs into Actions Pro and successfully authenticates against Active Directory, Actions Pro checks to see if the user exists; if the user does not exist, Actions Pro automatically creates a new user definition based on the template called "user". The new user account gets set to:

  • User id: Username (the full username entered - e.g. domain.comusername).
  • First name: Username without the domain.
  • Roles: Copy from the "user".

If the user logs into Actions Pro but specifies the username in different ways (for example, the first time using domain.comusername and the second time using, this creates two distinct user accounts.


The following Blueprint properties must be set for Active Directory authentication:

Table 2 – Blueprint Properties

Blueprint PropertyDescriptionExample
rsview.auth.active_directory.activeWhether Active Directory Authentication is usedtrue
rsview.auth.active_directory.ipaddressActive Directory server IP address127.0.0.1
rsview.auth.active_directory.portActive Directory server Port number389 (default) or 636 (SSL)
rsview.auth.active_directory.sslWhether SSL connection to the Active Directory server is neededfalse
rsview.auth.active_directory.syncWhether to sync Active Directory attributes with the Actions Pro user attributestrue
rsview.auth.active_directory.fallbackWhether to fall back to Actions Pro local authentication of Active Directory authentication failstrue
rsview.auth.active_directory.default_domainDomain used to bind users during authentication, so users can leave out domain when logging in
rsview.auth.active_directory.basedn.dn.1BASE DN used to search for user attributes, more than one BASE DN can be specified using .1, .2, etc.dc=resolve, dc=com
rsview.auth.active_directory.modeConnection Mode Used, Mode types described belowBIND
rsview.auth.active_directory.uid_attributeUser ID attributeuid
rsview.auth.active_directory.bind_dnAccount used to search for user attributes when authenticating with Windows SSO
rsview.auth.active_directory.bind_passwordPassword for the account used to search for user attributes when authenticating with Windows SSO
rsview.auth.active_directory.versionActive Directory Version3
rsview.auth.active_directory.grouprequiredWhether or not an external group is required to fully authenticatefalse

Active Directory Authentication Modes

BIND - This mode will authenticate the user by "binding" the user to the Active Directory server using the username/password provided by the user. The full user name that will be bound is <username>@<default_domain> (e.g.


Searching for the provided user will be done using the Base DN values (rsview.auth.active_directory.basedn.dn.1, etc.) as the root DN to search from.

Auto-Assigning Groups

Actions Pro groups can be auto-assigned based on the user's existing Active Directory groups ("memberof" attribute). To make Actions Pro group assignable through this method, just edit the description for the group so it starts with "EXTERNAL:". Once it is marked as external, it will auto-assign based on matching Actions Pro group name to the values in the Active Directory "memberof" attribute.


If the property rsview.auth.active_directory.grouprequired is true, then the user must have at least one EXTERNAL marked group in order to authenticate to Actions Pro.

Applying the Active Directory Configuration

To configure Active Directory, perform the following steps:

  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Edit the rsview.auth.active_directory section of the file
  3. Apply the blueprint changes using the script
  4. Re-start Tomcat

Securing the Active Directory Connection

To configure SSL Active Directory, perform the following steps:

  1. Create and export a trusted root certificate (a .der file). The certificate file is named ad.der. Instructions for creating a certificate are outside the scope of this document. Contact your security administrator.

  2. Import the certificate into the keystore file that you created for the HTTPS.


    Both HTTPS and SSL Active Directory must use the same keystore file. For example, if ad.der is the certificate filename and keystore is the keystore filename, use the following command:

    /opt/resolve/jre/bin/keytool –import –file ad.der –keystore /opt/ resolve/.keystore –alias "type=[](\=ad"

    This step may not be required because it may have already been set by Tomcat SSL Setup. Edit the rsview.tomcat.connector.https.keystoreFile and rsview.tomcat.connector.https.keystorePass blueprint attributes with the keystore location and password (rsview.tomcat.https must be set to true also). This will set the following property in the <INSTALLDIR>tomcat/bin/

    For example:
  3. Change the to set Active Directory SSL attribute to true and PORT to 636 as follows, then apply the blueprint while the RSView is down:


Actions Pro and Windows Single Sign-On Authentication

Actions Pro can be configured to allow SSO based on the user's Windows credentials. The authentication is accomplished in two parts.

  • The SPNEGO and/or BASIC protocol is used to validate the user's current Windows credentials, and
  • The user's Active Directory attributes are looked up to sync with their Actions Pro user attributes. If either of these steps fails, then the user will have to fall back to normal Active Directory or Actions Pro authentication.

You must use Active Directory, not LDAP.

To configure Actions Pro for Windows Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication, perform pre-configuration as well as regular configuration changes.

Pre-Configuration Setup

To configure Actions Pro for Windows Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication, first perform the following:

  1. Create an Active Directory domain account for the Actions Pro application. This account will be used in the Active Directory and SSO.
  2. Configure Active Directory authentication to active in the Blueprint, make sure that rsview.auth.active_directory.bind_dn and rsview.auth.active_directory.bind_password are configured with the account created in step 1.
  3. Get the Windows Domain and Realm names. Sometimes the Domain and Realm names are the same values. Realm names are often capitalized. These values will be used in the krb5 part of the SSO configuration.

    Figure 2 - Domain Name in Windows System Properties
  4. Get the Address of the Key Distribution Center (KDC). The KDC is usually the same as the primary domain controller or active directory. One way to determine the IP address is to ping the Domain. Use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the address of the KDC instead of an IP address.
  5. Register any Service Principal Names (SPN) needed. The SPN list should contain ALL possible aliases for your service, for example, HTTP/ and HTTP/myhost. A system or network administrator should be able to help with this step. To register the SPNs, you must have domain admin privileges to run the following commands:
    setspn.exe –A HTTP/ mydomainacct  
    setspn.exe –A HTTP/myhost mydomainacct

Do not register an SPN to more than one username. A username can have more than one SPN registered, but an SPN can only have one username.


In addition to the Active Directory configuration, the following settings will need to be configured in the Blueprint.

Table 3 – Active Directory Configuration

Blueprint PropertyDescriptionExample or not to allow SSOfalse User used by BASIC Auth mechanism for establishing a Login Context of Domain User used by BASIC Auth mechanism for establishing a Login Context BASIC Authentication is allowedtrue unsecure BASIC authentication is supportedtrue credential delegation is allowedtrue to allow localhost to be used in authenticationtrue to prompt the user if authentication is an NTLM requesttrue to use keytab in the authenticationfalse module name used in the Login Contextspnego-server module name used in the BASIC Authentiction Login Contextspnego-clien

Browser Configuration

Configure the browser for Windows SPNEGO and Kerberos authentication. See HTTP-Based Cross-Platform Authentication by Using the Negotiate Protocol  for additional information.

Internet Explorer Local Intranet and Authentication Configuration

Because this solution assumes that the intranet environment is not exposed to the public internet, configure Internet Explorer to work with the SSO solution after you configure the local intranet properties. To configure the local intranet properties, perform the following steps:

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options. Click the Security tab.
  2. Select "Local intranet" and click "Sites".
    Figure 3 - IE Internet Options Security Tab
  3. Ensure that the box to "Include all sites that bypass the proxy server" is checked, then click "Advanced".
    Figure 4 - Local Intranet Advanced Dialog
  4. Enter all relative domain names that get used on the intranet, for example, in the Local intranet (Advanced) dialog box.
  5. Click "Close" and "OK" to close the dialog boxes.

To configure intranet authentication, perform the following steps:

  1. Return to Internet Options and click the Security tab.
  2. Select "Local intranet" and click "Custom Level".
  3. Scroll down to the end for the "User Authentication" section of the list in the Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone dialog box. Select "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone". This setting prevents users from saving to re-enter logon credentials, a key piece of the solution.
    Figure 5 - IE Security Settings
  4. Click "OK" to close the dialog box.
Internet Explorer Advanced Configuration

In addition to the local intranet settings, one additional may be required for IE:

  1. Return to the Tools menu and select Internet Options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Scroll down to the "Security" section.
  4. Ensure that the "Enable Integrated Windows Authentication" box is checked, and then click "OK".

If this box was not checked, restart the computer for it to take effect.

Figure 6 - IE Advanced Security Settings

Firefox Authentication Configuration

Use the following steps to configure Firefox to allow SSO:

  1. Go to about:config using the address bar.
  2. Filter on "network.automatic" in the "Search:" bar.
  3. Modify the "network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris" preference and set it to the SPNs registered in the Pre-Configuration steps (comma-delimited).

Figure 7 - Firefox Trusted URIs Settings


If there are any issues with the SSO through IE, try checking the following:

  • Make sure Microsoft Internet Explorer is configured with the server in the "Trusted sites" or "Local intranet" zone.
  • Make sure Microsoft Internet Explorer is configured for Integrated Windows Authentication.
  • Make sure the client workstation is logged into the Active Directory domain configured in Actions Pro, and not a member of different an Active Directory domain (Kerberos realms).
  • Make sure the client workstation is specifying the correct host name to access the Actions Pro server. Ensure that the host name correctly matches the registered SPN value.
  • Make sure both the RSView Windows authentication and the Active Directory authentication are turned on. Check if you are able to use the Active Directory username and password to sign in the login form.

The following links are available for additional data:

LDAP/AD Authentication through RSRemote

RSRemote LDAP or Active Directory integration is necessary when integrating with multiple LDAP and AD servers, or when integrating with an LDAP/AD server that is not on the same network as the RSView components. In this usecase, RSRemotes are designated (via the Blueprint configuration) as responsible for connecting to LDAP or AD. LDAP or AD connection profiles are then configured via the GUI.

When a user attempts to log in, the RSRemote attempts to authenticate him by connecting to LDAP/AD. If this fails, authentication falls back to RSView (if enabled).

This configuration allows an RSRemote to be placed behind a firewall where it can connect to an LDAP/AD server (also behind the firewall), without exposing that server.

LDAP Configuration Management

Actions Pro LDAP information management involves creating, editing, and deleting LDAP configurations. You can:

  • Search for LDAP configurations
  • Create new LDAP configurations
  • Modify existing LDAP configurations
  • Delete user LDAP configurations

Configuring RSRemote

Before configuring LDAP through the GUI, at least one RSRemote in the cluster must be configured to allow for LDAP connections. To enable LDAP connections from an RSRemote, set the following blueprint settings:  
# if userauth=true this gateway may be used for Actions Pro
# user authentication

Creating LDAP Configuration

To create a wiki configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. In the User Administration menu, select the LDAP Configuration item.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill in all the LDAP configuration fields as shown in the table below and finally, click Save & Exit.
LDAP FieldsDescription
DomainLDAP domain. Example:
OrganizationName of the organization to which this domain belongs
GatewayGateway needed to connect to LDAP server. Example: AD125
IP AddressIP address of the LDAP server. Example:
SSLCheck box for enable SSL
FallbackFallback to internal authentication from the database
ModeMode of the LDAP.
VersionVersion of LDAP. Example: 3
Bind DNBind Domain Name
Bind PasswordBind Password
User ID AttributeUser ID attribute. Example: sAMAccountName
Password AttributePassword Attribute
Crypt TypeCryptographical Type
Crypt PrefixCryptographical Prefix
Base DN ListBase Domain List. Example: OU=Example,DC=resolve,DC=com
PropertiesProperties for LDAP

Modifying or Deleting LDAP Configurations

To modify a LDAP configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Return to the User Administration main menu to select LDAP Configuration. All existing LDAP configurations are displayed.
  2. Find the desired LDAP configurations. Multiple rows can be selected for deletion.
  • To edit a configuration, click the "More Information" icon  to bring up the account information. Change the fields as required.
  • To delete, click Delete in the toolbar. The LDAP configurations get permanently removed. Ensure that you are deleting the correct LDAP configurations beforehand.

Active Directory Configuration Management

Actions Pro Active Directory information management involves creating, editing, and deleting Active Directory configurations. You can:

  • Search for Active Directory configurations
  • Create new Active Directory configurations
  • Modify existing Active Directory configurations
  • Delete user Active Directory configurations

Configuring RSRemote

Before configuring Active Directory through the GUI, at least one RSRemote in the cluster must be configured to allow for Active Directory connections. To enable Active Directory connections from an RSRemote, set the following Blueprint settings:
# if userauth=true this gateway may be used for Actions Pro
# user authentication

Creating Active Directory Configuration

To create a wiki configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the User Administration main menu, and click on the Active Directory Configuration menu item.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill in all the Active Directory configuration fields as shown. When finished, click Save & Exit.

The following table lists the Active Directory configuration fields.

Active Directory FieldsDescriptions
DomainLDAP domain
OrganizationName of the organization to which this domain belongs
GatewayGateway needed to connect to Active Directory server
IP AddressIP address of the Active Directory server
SSLCheck box for enable SSL
FallbackFallback to internal authentication from the database
ModeMode of Active Directory
VersionVersion of Active Directory
Bind DNBind Domain Name
Bind PasswordBind Password
User ID AttributeUser ID attribute
Base DN ListBase Domain List
PropertiesProperties for Active Directory

Modifying or Deleting Active Directory Configurations

To modify an Active Directory configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Return to the User Administration main menu to select Active Directory Configuration. All existing Active Directory configurations are displayed.
  2. Find the desired Active Directory configurations. Multiple rows can be selected for deletion.
    • To edit a configuration, click the "More Information" icon  to bring up the account information. Change the fields as required.
    • To delete, click Delete in the toolbar. The Active Directory configurations get permanently removed. Ensure that you are deleting the correct Active Directory configurations beforehand.

Configuring HTTPS/SSL for RSView

Before your Actions Pro installation can support secure connections, you must install an SSL certificate and configure encryption keys. If you do not install an SSL certificate, your Actions Pro instance can still function properly, but then you are not able to connect to Actions Pro user interface using a secure (https) connection. All connections to the user interface are via unsecured (http) connections.


The SSL certificate may also be needed for LDAP/S configuration.

To install an SSL certificate on your system, follow the keystore instructions at Apache Tomcat 6.0 - SSL Configuration HOW-TO

The tomcat configuration gets handled by the following Blueprint properties:

  • rsview.tomcat.http
  • rsview.tomcat.https
  • rsview.tomcat.connector.https.port
  • rsview.tomcat.connector.https.keystoreFile
  • rsview.tomcat.connector.https.keystorePass

To ensure that unsecured connections are not allowed, rsview.tomcat.http should be set to false. Set rsview.tomcat.https to true, keystoreFile to the created keystore, and keystorePass to the password set on the keystore. The port can be 8443, unless another connection port for the user interface is required.
Unsecured HTTP connections can also be set up to auto-forward to HTTPS by setting the rsview.web.httpsForward property to true.
By default, all the JVM messages are SSL-encrypted via 4004 comunication.


When setting up the keystore, the password for any certs in the keystore must match the password for the keystore itself.

Network Ports

Following is a list of ports organized by Actions Pro components that must be open on the host system or network firewall for the Actions Pro application to function. All other ports should be closed. You can configure the ports with other values if required.


TomcatRSViewTCP8080 (http), 443 or 8443 (https)Web browsers use to connect to the web application
RSMQ ClientRSViewTCP4004Used for RSView to communicate with RSMQ server
DatabaseRSViewTCP1521 or 3306Used for RSView to communicate with database server
RSSearchRSViewTCP9300Used for RSView to communicate with RSSearch server
LDAPRSViewTCP389 or 636If RSView is authenticated against LDAP or AD, 389/636 should be open


RSMQ ClientRSControlTCP4004Used for RSControl to communicate with RSMQ server
DatabaseRSControlTCP1521 or 3306Used for RSControl to communicate with database server
RSSearchRSViewTCP9300Used for RSControl to communicate with RSSearch server


ElasticsearchRSSearchTCP9300Port for Elasticsearch node-to-node communication
Elasticsearch httpRSSearchTCP9200Port for Elasticsearch http traffic. Should only be opened to RSView, RSControl, RSSearch hosts
Elasticsearch Cluster DiscoveryRSSearchmulticast54328Elasticsearch cluster discovery


RSMQ Communication PortRSMQTCP4004Used to send JMS messages, it is SSL by default
Server Management PortRSMQTCP15672RSMQ Server management port
epmd PortRSMQTCP4369The default epmd port for RSMQ
Erlang DistributionRSMQTCP35197RSMQ cluster port


DatabaseRSMgmtTCP1521 or 3306Used to communicate with the database server
MCPRSMgmtTCP8082Used for Actions Pro Master Controller


RMQRSRemoteTCP4004Used to communicate with the RSMQ server
GatewayRSRemoteTCPanyany port that is required by different type of gateway
LDAPRSRemoteTCP389 or 636If RSRemote is used to authenticate against LDAP or AD, 389/636 should be open

SQL Database Ports

OracleDatabaseTCP1521SQL data store
MySQLDatabaseTCP3306SQL data store

Changing the Super User Password

The "resolve.maint user" is a super-user for the Actions Pro UI. Strong passwords are highly recommended. The "resolve.maint password" can be changed from the RSConsole using the following steps:

  1. Log into RSConsole.
  2. Connect to a RSView queue (optional). A specific RSView can be targeted with its unique GUID found in <INSTALLDIR>/tomcat/webapps/resolve/WEB-INF/config.xml.
  3. Change to the config directory.
  4. Run _SetMaintPassword.
  5. Provide the correct current password and the new password to use. A message should return from each RSView indicating whether the change was successful. Additional logs on the password change can be found in each "rsview.log". If no connection was established in Step 2, the script automatically uses the RSView topic to broadcast the password change to all connected RSView components.
RSConsole [Version 3.4.2]

RSConsole [Version 3.4.2]
(C) Copyright 2010 Resolve Enterprises, LLC

Username: admin
Password: ********

RSCONSOLE started ...
#/>cd config
#/config> _SetMaintPassword
Old Password: <maint password>
New Password: <new password>
Connecting with secure network...

Connect session: RSVIEWS


resolve.maint password updated

Unlike all other users, the resolve.maint user is configured on the file system. If any new RSView components are added to the cluster, this procedure must be repeated to change the resolve.maint password for the new RSView components.

Setting or Changing the RSMQ User and Password

For further secure Actions Pro messaging beyond system firewalls, the RSMQ component communicates through an SSL connection with its own password protection. To change the default RSMQ username and password, do the following steps:

  1. Edit the "rsmq.username" and "rsmq.password" in all the servers.
  2. Run config while all components are down.
  3. Start just the RSMQ components.
  4. Run the relevant "setup_user" script (depending on OS):
    • rabbitmq/linux64/rabbitmq/sbin/
    • rabbitmq/solaris/rabbitmq/sbin/
    • rabbitmq/windows/rabbitmq/sbin/setup_user.bat
  5. Start all other components.

Groovy APIs Sandboxing Mechanism

Actions Pro uses a mechanism to restrict the Actions Pro APIs being used by the groovy scripts. That is achieved by using Static Type Checking introduced in Groovy 2.0 and specifically during groovy code compile phase.

Actions Pro performs a check each time an Action Task is executed. If potentially harmful API is called or there is a syntax error in the groovy code, Actions Pro adds it to the "blacklist" of APIs. Validation occurs during groovy code compilation and if the groovy API is present in the "blacklist" Actions Pro breaks the script compilation with exception before the Action Task is executed. Instead, it throws an error in the Worksheets Results log.

The sandboxing mechanism can be enabled per Actions Pro component and is enabled/disabled through a property in the file. It is disabled by default. In order to enforce the groovy sandboxing follow the detailed instructions below.

Configuring Groovy API White and Black List

The sandboxing filtering mechanism uses both black and white lists to filter out the APIs. The black list takes precedence over the white list in case there are duplicate entries in both lists. This means that if an API call is in present in the black list, an error will be printed out during code compilation even if the same API call is present in the white list. The black and white list files can be found in:  /opt/resolve/rsmgmt/config 

  • - list of all restricted class/methods that cannot be used by groovy script.
  • -  list of all allowed class/methods to be used by groovy scripts. Actions Pro comes with a default list of enabled groovy methods which are used by Actions Pro content.
  • There is a third list called which contains all bindings with types that Actions Pro exposes to the groovy scripts. The purpose of the properties list is to classify the objects because Actions Pro has no information about the objects and the Static Type Checking at compile time. If a variable expression is marked as "unresolved" by the groovy compiler, Actions Pro verifies in the properties list and if such variable exists in it, it  marks it as resolved.

Enabling and Configuring the Sandboxing Mechanism

  1. Navigate to  /opt/resolve/rsmgmt/config
  2. Open file and search for "/groovy"
  3. The sandboxing can be enabled per Actions Pro component:
    # Groovy Sandbox parameters
  4. To enable any of the components set  {module}.groovy.sandbox.enable=true
  5. The {module}.groovy.sandbox.location property sets the directory where the, and sandboxing properties files are located.
    If the default location of the three property files is changed you need to reflect that in {module}.groovy.sandbox.location.
  6. In order for the configuration to take effect first you have to stop the Actions Pro service for that module or all Actions Pro services:
    /opt/resolve/bin/ {module}
  7. The changes applied in the file in /opt/resolve/rsmgmt/config have to be enforced with:
  8. Start the services, so that the groovy properties can take effect:
    /opt/resolve/bin/ {module}

How to Verify if the Groovy Sandboxing is Enabled Successfully

Each Actions Pro component (rsarchive, rsconsole, rscontrol, rsmgmt, rsremote, rssync. rsview) has a configuration XML file, located at /opt/resolve/{module}/config  which depends on the global file and reflects the changes there.

For convenience all three groovy sandboxing property files are enabled from a single directory - <Actions Pro home> /opt/resolve/rsmgmt/config and after enforcing the changes and restarting the services, those are updated in the XML file for each Actions Pro component. Follow the steps below to verify the properties are enforced correctly:

  1. Open /opt/resolve/{module}/config  
  2. Open the config.xml
    <SANDBOX ENABLE="true" LOCATION="/opt/resolve/{module}/config"/>

The SANDBOX LOCATION  must point to the location of the three property files:

The default location of the files is /opt/resolve/{module}/config. Make sure ENABLE =true

List of all properties connected to the groovy sandboxing mechanism can be found in Blueprint Configuration. The format of the sandboxing blueprint property is:  {module}.groovy.sandbox.enable.

The default value of all properties is false

Rate Limit

Actions Pro 7.1 introduces a mechanism of limiting the number of requests a user can make to an endpoint over a given period of time. The restriction is made at the IP level if the user is not logged in, otherwise the username is used. Each user is assigned with a list of endpoints respectively with their limits.

If an endpoint has a restriction, its value is decreased by one after hitting it. The number of remaining allowed hits for exact API is returned as a value in the response header under the Remaining-Rate-Limit variable.
If for the given period of time the rate limit for endpoint is reached, "HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" response error is returned to the frontend. In this case, the request cannot be passed to the backend. When the rate limit interval expires, the counter is restored to its original value ​​and the API is re-enabled.


There is a relationship between endpoint and restriction. The number of items in each list must be the same, because the pairs of endpoint with the corresponding counter are grouped by positions (indexes)
A list of new blueprint properties are added to the file and the system properties which allow customization and control over the arte limiting functionality. Refer to the "Rate limit blueprint properties" and "Rate limit system properties" tables for details.

Rate Limit Blueprint Properties

rsview.general.rateLimit.isRateLimitEnabledIndicates whether rate limiting is enabled. Its default value is true, which means that the limit is on.
rsview.general.rateLimit.rateLimitIntervalIndicates the interval at which counters of the endpoints will be restarted. The value of this property is number showing interval in minutes. The default value is 1 minute which is the minimum value that is supported.
rsview.general.rateLimit.excludeEndpointSpecific endpoints that shouldn’t have rate limit. Exclusion of the endpoints take precedence over the other constraints. Even if the rate limit is enabled and there is a wildcard for some endpoint, if it is present in this property, all restrictions will expire for that exact endpoint. By default, this list is empty. There are currently no specific APIs to explicitly remove from the rate limiting.
rsview.general.rateLimit.hitCounterShows how many consecutive times a user can reach their rate limit before an alarm is triggered, in order to notify the administrator of a potential problem/attack. The default value is 5 times in a row and the minimum value that is supported is 1, which shows that at least once the quota for certain rate limit needs to be surpassed before sending a notification. Each user has a list of endpoints respectively with their rate limit hit counters.A counter is restarted in two cases:
- When a hit quota for some rate limit is reached – in this case, alert mechanism is triggered before the restart of the counter.
- When the mechanism for restarting the rate limit over some time interval is activated – in this case, the counter is restarted only if in the currently elapsed interval the corresponding user has not reached a certain endpoint limit. This shows that there are no consistent exhaustions of the rate limit quotas.
rsview.general.rateLimit.endpointList of all endpoints that have restrictions. Wildcards are allowed. The default value of this property is / **, / **/ login / **. (If on the arrival of a request, the corresponding endpoint satisfies several different APIs, then the number of all is reduced by one. The remaining number of allowed API calls is taken to be the lowest remaining value.)
The patterns that are supported are:
- /** - each endpoint satisfies this pattern
- ... /** ... - the endpoint must start and end with exact paths but can have everything in the middle (example: /x/y/**/m/n = /x/y/a/b/m/n)
- /** ... - the endpoint must end with exact path (example: /**/x/y = /a/b/x/y)
- ... /** - the endpoint must start with exact path (example: /x/y/** = /x/y/a/b)
- /**/.../** - the endpoint must contain exact path (example: /**/x/y/z/** = /a/b/x/y/z/c/d)
Explicit endpoint without wildcard shows that the path needs to be exactly the same.
rsview.general.rateLimit.restrictionList of numbers that show the number of hits allowed for each endpoint. The default value of this property is "2000, 20".
There is a relationship between endpoint and restriction. The number of items in each list must be the same, because the pairs of endpoint with the corresponding counter are grouped by positions (indexes).
If an endpoint has a restriction, its value is decreased by one after hitting it. The number of remaining allowed hits for exact API is returned as a value in the response header under the Remaining-Rate-Limit variable.
If for the given period of time the rate limit for endpoint is reached, a 429 Too Many Requests response error is returned. In this case, the request can’t continue to the server. When the rate limit interval expires, the counter is restored to its original value and the API is re-enabled.

Rate Limit System Properties

global.ratelimit.ratioRatio used for controlling the request throttling mechanism used in Actions Produring runtime. It is a simple multiplier that is applied to the default ratelimit values (rounding to the next largest integer[1]). By default global.ratelimit.ratio has a value of 1. global.ratelimit.ratio expects a double value bigger than 0. However, system properties do not ask for a valid value. When the property has an invalid value(whether null or not a number bigger than 0), it defaults to 1.[2]
Examples (ratelimit in for an endpoint is 1000), global.ratelimit.ratio =
- 1 => ratelimit = 1000 1 = 1000
- 0.5 => ratelimit = 1000
0.5 = 500
- 0.3333 => ratelimit = 1000 0.3333 ≈ 334 (see [1])
- 0 => ratelimit = 1000
1 = 1000 (see [2])
- 3 => ratelimit = 1000 1 = 1000 (see [2])
- 1ab = > ratelimit = 1000
1 = 1000 (see [2])
- null => ratelimit = 1000 * 1 = 1000 (see [2])


global.ratelimit.ratio is applied the next time counters are reset (see rsview.general.rateLimit.rateLimitInterval).