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Version: SaaS

Managing Users

Choose Repository > Recipients and open the Users list. The following window is displayed:

The Users list provides the following information:

OriginImported manually or from Active Directory
User NameUser display name
First NameUser first name
Last NameUser last name
EmailUser email (not validated here)
Mobile Phone NumberUser mobile phone number
DomainThe Active Directory domain (if applicable)

Creating Users

To manually create a user:

  1. From the top right corner of the incident list, click the plus icon.
    The users properties screen appears.
  2. Enter the user's name, email address, mobile phone number, and employee ID.

    The user email address and mobile phone number will be used when Resolve Actions Express contacts the recipient.

  3. Optionally, under Group Membership, add the user to one or more groups.

    You can also add the user to a group by editing the group.

    1. Under Name, select the group to which the user will be added.
      • Use the plus icon to add a new group.
      • For further details about adding a new group, see Managing Groups.
      • The imported/manual field is set to manual if the group was created inside Resolve Actions Express or imported otherwise.
    2. To remove the user from the group, select the group from the group membership list and click the X button.