HashiCorp Vault Integration
Resolve Actions Pro integration with Vault provides you with the added security of storing passwords and other secrets in HashiCorp Vault. To check which passwords are stored in Vault for your version of Actions Pro, check the version-specific information in the Compatibility Matrix section.
Without Vault integration, Actions Pro stores the various kinds of secrets that are used by Runbooks, Gateway Filters, Action Tasks, and so on in the app database and in .properties
and .xml
files in encrypted form. Compared to it, the Vault approach adds the following benefits:
- Role-based access—Role-based access for individual Actions Pro components is used to provide an extra level of protection to customer secrets. For example, only RSRemote can read gateway passwords and only RSMgmt can write them, while previously RSControl and other Actions Pro components also had the complete ability to decrypt and read a password.
- Reduced risk—With the use of Vault, any secrets stored in Vault are masked with asterisks across the Actions Pro application memory, file systems, and
files. This greatly reduces the risk of unencrypted passwords being written to some crash log or memory cache. It also ensures that nobody has access to encrypted passwords, reducing the chance of a data breach if a major encryption vulnerability is discovered. - Consolidation of secrets—Actions Pro shares data and credentials with many third-party systems. Due to the HashiCorp Vault popularity, the integration enables use cases where secrets between Resolve Actions Pro, Resolve Insights, and third-party systems can be centralized in a single Vault cluster.
- State of the art security—Due to the specialization and popularity of HashiCorp Vault, it can implement new encryption schemes and patch security vulnerabilities much faster.
Vault Workflow
When Vault integration is enabled, Actions Pro can pick up gateway passwords entered in blueprint.properties
or in the Actions Pro UI and store them in Vault. After Vault stores them, RSRemote is the Actions Pro component that retrieves secrets from Vault.
The following high-level diagram illustrates the various components implementing the Vault Integration with Actions Pro. It depicts both use cases.
On the diagram, Network with Actions Pro is the network that contains the main Actions Pro installation and Remote Network contains standalone RSRemote and RSmgmt components.
In the first scenario, the user enters a secret in the UI, such as on the Gateway Filter Configuration page available on Example HTTPGateway, Builder Gateway, and others. When the HTTP request from the UI reaches RSView, RSView removes the secret from the request and sends it to RSMgmt (KeyServiceController). In turn, RSMgmt sends the secret to Vault for storing.
In the second scenario, the users enters a secret by editing a blueprint.properties
file. An Actions Pro configuration script then removes the secret from the file system and calls RSMgmt to store the secret in Vault.
After a secret is stored in Vault, eligible Actions Pro components can read it directly from Vault after authenticating against Vault.
Vault Concepts
Vault supports a wide array of alternative technologies. The following sections explain the technology choices made by Actions Pro for the Vault integration.
Auto Unseal
When the Vault service starts, it starts in a sealed state and it does not know how to decrypt data. Before it can provide secrets to Actions Pro, it must unseal. Unsealing is the process of constructing the master key necessary to decrypt the data encryption key.
Actions Pro utilizes the Vault auto-unseal feature to unseal the service whenever needed. This reduces the manual intervention otherwise required to unseal Vault which involves providing key-shards (parts of a key) that Vault uses to decrypt the master key and unseal.
With auto-unseal, the Vault service can be automatically sealed or unsealed using Transit Secrets Engine which represents another trusted Vault service called RSVault. This is how RSVault differs from RSKeyservice:
- RSKeyservice is the main Vault service which stores the secrets. It must be accessible from all RSRemote instances to allow them to read secrets and talk to third-party services using gateways. It must also be accessible from other Actions Pro cluster nodes to allow RSKeyservice instances on other Actions Pro cluster nodes to sync with each other.
- RSVault is a local auxiliary Vault service that only runs on local loopback and is primarily responsible for auto-unsealing the local RSKeyservice vault service. To make it a trusted Vault service, you will be asked to password protect it during the initial Vault setup.
Every time the RSKeyservice service restarts, RSVault automatically unseals it without user intervention, but only if the RSVault service is running.
In production, it is recommended to always keep RSVault running in the background as а daemon, even when stopping or restarting other Actions Pro services, including RSKeyservice.
Actions Pro does not officially support using your own Vault instance as a trusted Vault instance instead of RSVault. Use one at your own risk.
Recovery (Master) Password
The recovery (or master) password is a passphrase that you use to secure the RSVault installation. You will need to enter it whenever you restart the RSVault server, perform planned maintenance or migration, or for recovery purposes if applications on the server crash.
Store the recovery key some place safe. Do not store it on the same machine where RSVault runs.
You only need the recovery key when restarting RSVault. You don’t need it when restarting other Actions Pro components or RSKeyservice.
Secret Engine and Path
From the selection of Secret Engines and paths supported by Vault, Actions Pro uses the K/V v1 engine. To check what secrets Actions Pro stores in Vault and at what paths, check the Compatibility Matrix section for your Actions Pro version.
Authentication and Authorization
From the selection of authentication and authorization methods supported by Vault, Actions Pro uses both token-based authentication and AppRole authentication. All tokens generated are either encrypted using RSA keys or ephemeral and expire after a few minutes.
Vault Policies & Roles
Actions Pro internally creates policies and roles in Vault. See Vault Policies and Roles for details.
Compatibility Matrix
The following table shows which Actions Pro features can store secrets in Vault.
Feature | Description | Action |
Vault integration | Vault services: RSVault, RSKeyservice | Disabled by default. When disabled, passwords use Actions Pro encryption. |
Gateway passwords | See full list in Gateway Passwords Stored in Vault | Vault |
EWS Address | EWS password on Filter UI | Vault |
Gateway Builder Encrypted Fields | Encrypted fields on Gateway Builder UI, such as password fields | Vault |
Database Gateway Connection Pool password | DB Connection Pool password | Vault |
Email Gateway, Email Address password | Email password on Filter UI | Vault |
HTTP Gateway | Basic Auth password | Vault |
Action Task Parameters | Encrypt-type Action Task Parameters | Encrypted |
Action Task Encrypted Properties | Encrypt-type Action Task properties | Encrypted |
Database, RSMQ, Elastic Search passwords | Other passwords stored in the blueprint.properties file | Encrypted |
Gateway Passwords Stored in Vault
With Vault integration, service account credentials for gateways are stored in Vault as opposed to the blueprint. The value of any blueprint.properties
property named rsremote.receive.<gateway-name>.<property-type>
is stored in Vault, where gateway name is the name of the gateway and property type is a property name containing the phrase pass
. This applies to the following gateways:
- Arcsight
- ServiceDesk
- Solarwinds
- Jira
- Ibmmq
- CA Spectrum
- Remedy
- SplunkPull
- Servicenow
- Exchange
- Moogsoft
- Splunk
- Weblogic
Gateway Filter Secrets Stored in Vault
Gateways can have secrets that are specific to a filter. For example, you can have two EWS Addresses entries for EWS Gateway, each having its own password. Such secrets are stored in Vault, including:
- Exchange User accounts for EWS Gateway
- Database User accounts for DB Gateway
- Basic Auth credentials for HTTP Gateway, Moogsoft Gateway
- Dynamic secret key-value pairs configured in Gateway Builder
Making a Fresh Vault Installation
Actions Pro comes prepackaged with a Vault distribution that you can install and configure in the following cases:
- You are already running Actions Pro and would like to start using Vault as your secrets storage.
- You are making a new Actions Pro deployment and would like to store secrets in Vault from the get go.
If you have a pre-existing Vault deployment that you manage, see Using an Existing Vault Installation.
Installing Vault requires the following procedures:
Installing Vault Locally
First, you need to configure and install Vault on the machine or machines that run Actions Pro. Actions Pro provides scripts to help automate the Vault pre-configuration and the installation.
Perform the procedure on every node in your Actions Pro cluster.
- A working Actions Pro deployment.
- All Actions Pro cluster nodes must be in the same domain. Standalone RSRemote instances can be in a different domain.
- Ensure that the Linux user that you are logged in with can read, write, and execute files located in the following directories:
- Ensure that you have a Vault distribution available in your Actions Pro installation directory by listing its directory content and looking for the directories listed below. If any of the directories are missing, create them.
./rskeyservice/logs/ - Take note of the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine that will be running Vault.
- Ensure that the FQDN can be resolved to an IP from the machine.
All commands below assume that Actions Pro is installed under /opt/resolve
. Change the commands accordingly if your installations uses another directory.
Log in to the Actions Pro machine as the resolve user that you created during Actions Pro installation.
Stop all locally-installed Actions Pro services.
You can keep any remote Actions Pro services such as standalone RSRemote and RSMgmt instances running./opt/resolve/bin/stop.sh all -k
Change directory to the Actions Pro installation directory.
cd /opt/resolve
for editing and make the following changes:Set the following properties to
.resolve.rsvault = true
resolve.rskeyservice = trueModify or add the following properties as shown.
—Set to the FQDN of the machine that will be running Vault (RSKeyservice).RSKEYSERVICE_PORT
— Set to the Vault port number for reading and writing. The default-installation Vault port is 8200.RSKEYSERVICE_CLUSTER_PORT
— Set to the Vault port number for synchronizing clustered Vault instances. The default-installation Vault port is 8201.RSKEYSERVICE_LOG
— Set the Vault log verbosity level that you want. Possible values: OFF, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. Recommended level for production: WARN or INFO.RSVAULT_PORT
— Set to the Vault port used for internal operations. The default-installation Vault port is 8300.
Ensure the following properties are present. If not, add them. Do not edit the properties unless a custom setup is needed.
Apply the changes to
In the
output, ensure that the following three lines are present.Configuring Vault
Configured File: /opt/resolve/rsvault/config/rsvault.hcl
Configured File: /opt/resolve/rskeyservice/config/rskeyservice.hclExecute the following command to install the RSVault and RSKeyservice services:
rsvault/bin/run.sh -p -d example.com -t 30m
- The -p flag ensures that you will be prompted to set a master (recovery) password.
- The -d flag allows you to specify the domain name of the machine where Vault will be running. It is used to generate private/public keys for securing the Vault TLS transport.
- The -t flag is the time for which an ephemeral token used by
script will be valid. This time will apply to futureconfig.sh
When prompted, enter a master (recovery) password and press Enter.
The password must be at least six characters long.--------------------Start Vault Setup--------------------
> Recovery Setup
Enter a secure passphrase that will be used to
encrypt/decrypt the master key:Verify that the command output does not contain ERROR outcomes.
If you see any errors, see the Troubleshooting section for possible resolutions.Start your local Actions Pro services.
bin/run.sh all
Migrate your existing secrets to Vault to ensure you don’t lose any data.
Next steps
- If you are running remote standalone RSRemote or RSMgmt servers, take the steps in the Configuring Remote RSRemote and RSMgmt Instances section.
Configuring Remote RSRemote and RSMgmt Instances
Unlike local instances of RSMgmt and RSRemote, which are autoconfigured to work with Vault, you need to manually configure these services if you run them as remote standalone components.
Perform the following steps to configure remote services:
- Copy the local version of the following three files to the standalone RSRemote machine, overwriting the remote files with the same name.
- Open each file and verify that all settings look correct.
Using an Existing Vault Installation
You can configure Actions Pro to utilize a pre-existing Vault installation that you have in your environment and that you manage. To do that, you need to take configuration steps on both the Actions Pro and the Vault sides.
For the integration with your existing Vault instance to work, you need to create a dedicated path for Actions Pro with read, write, and admin permissions in place.
Configuring Vault
To set up your existing Vault deployment to work with Actions Pro, perform the following general steps. For detailed steps, refer to the official Hashicorp Vault documentation.
Create Actions Pro backend - Mount a KV version 1 secrets engine at path
.Enable AppRole authentication.
Create the following Actions Pro policies:
path "auth/approle/role/rsremote/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "update","create", "list"]
path "resolve/action/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "update", "delete", "create", "list"]
path "resolve/action/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "list"]
path "auth/approle/role/rsmgmt/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "update","create", "list"]
Create the following Actions Pro roles:
- rsmgmt—based on the resolve-admin policy.
- rsremote—based on resolve-user policy.
Configuring Actions Pro
To set up Actions Pro to work with your Vault deployment, you need to configure your RSRemote and RSMgmt instances with the Vault details.
You must take the configuration steps in the following order:
- Stop RSRemote.
- Log in to the RSRemote instance with Actions Pro user that you created during Actions Pro installation.
- Run the stop script.
- Stop RSMgmt.
- Log in to the RSMgmt instance with the resolve user that you created during Actions Pro installation.
- Run the stop script.
- Configure RSRemote.
- Configure RSMgmt.
- Start RSMgmt.
- Log in to the RSMgmt instance with the resolve user that you created during Actions Pro installation.
- Run the start script.
- Start RSRemote.
- Log in to the RSRemote instance with Actions Pro user that you created during Actions Pro installation.
- Run the start script.
Configuring RSRemote
To set up RSRemote to work with your Vault deployment, perform the following steps for each of its local and remote instances.
- Ensure that RSRemote and RSMgmt are stopped.
- Log in to the RSRemote instance with Actions Pro user that you created during Actions Pro installation.
- In Vault, generate a Role ID for RSRemote and set the
property with it in<rsremote-install-dir>/rsremote/config/application.properties
For example:vault.app-role.role-id=98995263-71f9-fa53-373a-0bd4318b6bf3
- If you are using a local CA authority to sign Vault Server certificates, take these steps:
- Generate a truststore and add the root certificate in it.
- In
, add the following properties, specifying the truststore path relative torsremote/lib/
and the truststore password.tipIt is recommended that you place the trust-store inside the
folder to keep things simple.vault.ssl.trust-store=classpath:<trust-store-name or path>
vault.ssl.trust-store-password=<trust-store password>
- Comment out the
- Keep RSRemote and RSMgmt stopped.
The following is a sample application.properties
file, showing a truststore named ca.cert.jks
located under rsremote/lib
Configuring RSMgmt
To set up RSMgmt to work with your Vault deployment, perform the following steps for each of its instances.
Ensure that RSRemote and RSMgmt are stopped.
In Vault, generate a short-lived (around 30 min) token using the resolve-initial policy.
Log in to the RSMgmt instance with the resolve user that you created during Actions Pro installation and set the token in the following files:
- In
, set thevault.token
property with the token that you generated.vault.token=<generated token goes here>
- In
, set thevault.token
property with the token that you generated.vault.token=<generated token goes here>
- In
If you are using a local CA authority to sign Vault Server certificates, take these steps:
Generate a truststore and add the root certificate in it.
, add the following properties, specifying the truststore path relative torsmgmt/lib/
and the truststore password.tipTo keep things simple, place the trust-store inside the
folder.# Use custom trust-store
vault.ssl.trust-store=classpath:<trust-store-name or path>
vault.ssl.trust-store-password=<trust-store password>In
, add the following properties, specifying the truststore path relative torsmgmt/lib/
and the truststore password.tipTo keep things simple, place the trust-store inside the
folder.# Use custom trust-store
vault.ssl.trust-store=classpath:<trust-store-name or path>
vault.ssl.trust-store-password=<trust-store password>
Make the following changes to the
file:- Add the
and set it to toAPPROLE
- Add the
property and set it torsmgmt
- Add the
property and set it to the FQDN of the Vault machine, including port number.vault.uri=https://customvault.example.com:8200
- Add the
Make the following changes to the
file.- Add the following properties and set them as shown:
vault.app-role=rsmgmt - Add the
property and set it to the FQDN of the Vault machine, including port number.vault.uri=https://customvault.example.com:8200
- Add the following properties and set them as shown:
Migrate your existing secrets to Vault, if any.
Example of <rsmgmt-install-dir>/rsmgmt/config/application-config.properties
vault.token=<generated token goes here>
vault.uri=<enter vault uri here>
#Use custom trust-store
Example of <rsmgmt-install-dir>/rsmgmt/config/application-rest.properties
vault.token=<generated token goes here>
vault.uri=<enter vault uri here>
#Use custom trust-store
Migrating Existing Secrets
If you had been running Actions Pro for a while before you enabled Vault, chances are you have secrets stored in the Actions Pro database and in .properties
files. It is highly recommended to migrate these secrets to Vault as soon as you complete the Vault installation to avoid data loss.
Only perform migration after you’ve successfully completed the Vault installation and verified that it stores Actions Pro secrets properly.
Migrating Secrets Stored on the Filesystem
All secrets stored in .properties
files will be automatically migrated on the next config.sh
run, which can be as soon as you create a secret in a blueprint.
To manually trigger the migration, run config.sh
Migrating Secrets Stored in the Database
For migrating secrets stored in the Actions Pro database, such as secrets entered in the Actions Pro UI, Actions Pro provides a migration script.
To migrate all database secrets to RSKeyservice, run the following command:
<actions-pro-home>/rsmgmt/bin/run.sh -f mgmt/MigrateSecrets
You can expect to see output similar to the one shown below on successful migration. The output depends on what secrets are present in your database. In this example, an EWS Address password was migrated to Vault.
Vault instance RSkeyservice is Running
> Generate initial token DONE
> Configure RSMgmt DONE
Attempting to Execute Script MigrateSecrets.groovy
Migrating secrets
Authenticated with keyservice
Password for ews address 'ews_test@example.com' migrated to vault
This section contains actions and tips that can help you troubleshoot an unsuccessful Vault installation. This information applies only to the Vault distribution prepackaged with Actions Pro. To troubleshoot client-maintained Vault deployments, refer to the official Vault documentation.
Running the Installation Script in Debug Mode
Re-running the Vault installation in debug mode can help you identify the step at which the installation fails.
- Stop any running instances of Vault.
These commands might not run successfully if the service was not properly installed but they will still clear any lock files that might have been created.<actions-pro-home>/rskeyservice/bin/stop.sh
<actions-pro-home>/rsvault/bin/stop.sh - Ensure no Vault instances are running locally.
- Find out the process' or processes' PID.
ps -ef | grep 'vault'
- Kill the process or processes.
kill -9 <PID from ps command>
- Find out the process' or processes' PID.
- Run the install script in debug mode and check the output for error messages. note
Debug mode results in verbose output printed out in the terminal and in files in plain-text. It is a good idea to clear up after identifying the issue and before re-attempting the installation.
bash -x <actions-pro-home>/rsvault/bin/run.sh
The error messages you might see fall in one of the following categories:
- Unresolvable address—If the error relates to the server name not being resolved, try the following remediation steps:
- Ensure that you have entered the full FQDN of the server and that it is resolvable through DNS or
. - Double-check the following
rskeyservice.hcl.listener.address=${RSKEYSERVICE_HOST}:${RSKEYSERVICE_PORT} - Double-check that the hostname and the port number are set correctly in
, and in thelistener
- Ensure that you have entered the full FQDN of the server and that it is resolvable through DNS or
- Port already in use—If the error relates to a port number already being in use, try the following remediation steps:
- Change the port to an available one by modifying the respective
RSVAULT_PORT - Ensure that the following address properties in the same file are either using a dollar reference to
or an explicit correct port value.rsvault.hcl.listener.address
- Change the port to an available one by modifying the respective
- Directory issues—If the error relates to a directory missing or missing permissions, try the following remediation steps:
- Double-check the directory list in Installing Vault Locally: Prerequisites. Ensure that all subdirectories are present and that all shell scripts inside them provide read, write, and execute permission to your user.
- Unknown issue—If the error does not relate to the aforementioned categories, contact Actions Pro support.
Clearing Up the Installation
Running bash with the -x flag prints the output in plain-text in the terminal and in files, which might include sensitive information. Thus, it is recommended to do a clean-up after identifying the issue and before reattempting the Vault installation.
If you already have secrets stored in Vault, run the following command to clear the recovery (master) password and the public and private keys.
# Clear Master password and public/private keys
cd <actions-pro-home>/
rm -rf rsvault/config/certs/*
If you don’t have any important data stored in Vault, run these three commands to clear all data.
cd <actions-pro-home>/
rm -rf rsvault/data/*
rm -rf rskeyservice/data/*
rm -rf rsvault/config/certs/*
In both cases, it is recommended to clear up your terminal window and scroll buffer.
Vault Administration
Starting Vault After Reboot
Normally, RSVault does not need to be stopped, even when restarting Actions Pro components. If, however, RSVault stops unexpectedly, such as when having insufficient disk space, out of memory issues, or when rebooting the server machine, you need to provide the recovery (master) password to start and unseal it. This ensures that a malicious user cannot unseal RSKeyservice without authentication.
Always follow this succession when restarting RSVault or RSKeyservice will remain in sealed state:
- Ensure all Actions Pro and Vault services are stopped.
- Start RSVault, entering the recovery (master) password when prompted.
- Start RSKeyservice.
With RSVault running in the background, RSKeyservice will auto-unseal. - Start all Actions Pro services.
See Vault Administration for instructions on using start and stop commands.
Start or Set Up Vault
- start, unseal, or set up Vault
rsvault/bin/run.sh [-p][-d domain-name][-t time-to-live]
The run.sh script is used to:
- Start and unseal RSVault and RSKeyservice, in this order, as well as regenerate any expired tokens.
- When run for the first time, set up and install RSVault and RSkeyservice, including creating a recovery (master) password.
Prompts for password during Vault installation. Use this flag only when running the script for the first time. Without the option, the script autogenerates a random password.
-d <domain-name>
Specifies the domain name of the server as an argument. This flag is required when running the script for the first time. It is not required after RSVault is already installed.
-t <time-to-live>
Sets the time that the short-lived token generated during auto-configuration will be valid for. This flag is optional. Without it, the time is set to 30 minutes. The duration must be short to boost security. The token is written to the rsmgmt/config/application-*.properties
files. Format: <number><time unit>
where time unit is m
for minutes (Example: 30m
Stop RSVault
- stop the RSVault instance of Vault
The stop.sh script is used to stop the RSVault instance of Vault and other shell programs used to auto-unseal RSKeyservice.
RSVault does not need to be stopped when restarting Actions Pro components. Run this command when performing server machine shutdown or other planned maintenance. In those cases, always stop RSKeyservice before stopping RSVault.
Stop RSKeyservice
- stop the RSKeyservice instance of Vault
The stop.sh script is used to stop the RSKeyservice instance of Vault. Always stop RSKeyservice before stopping RSVault.
Start RSKeyservice
- start the RSKeyservice instance of Vault
The run.sh script is used to start the RSKeyservice instance of Vault.
Run this command to start RSKeyservice while restarting other Actions Pro components or if RSKeyservice crashes. If RSVault is running in the background, RSKeyservice will be auto-unsealed on start. If RSVault is not running, RSKeyservice will remain sealed.
Check Vault Status
- check the initialization and seal status of RSKeyservice
The status.sh script returns the initialization and seal status of RSKeyservice. Run this command to check if Vault is up and running.
Checking init status of RSKeyservice:Initialized DONE
Checking seal status of RSKeyservice:Unsealed DONE
Vault Configuration Files
The configuration files described in this section only apply to the prepackaged Vault distribution coming with Actions Pro.
The properties in the next table are available in the <actions-pro-home>/rsmgmt/config/blueprint.properties
Property Name | Default Value | Description |
resolve.rsvault | false | When set to true, it generates the <actions-pro-home>/rsvault/config/rsvault.hcl file based on the rsvault.hcl.* blueprint properties where you can make advanced Vault settings. See the official Vault documentation for HCL file options. |
resolve.rskeyservice | false | When set to true, it generates the <actions-pro-home>/rskeyservice/config/rskeyservice.hcl file based on the rskeyservice.hcl.* blueprint properties where you can make advanced Vault settings. See the official Vault documentation for HCL file options. |
RSKEYSERVICE_HOST | empty | The FQDN of the Vault machine. |
RSKEYSERVICE_PORT | 8200 | Port used by Actions Pro components to access Vault. When using remote components, this port must be opened for network traffic. |
RSKEYSERVICE_CLUSTER_PORT | 8201 | When using a cluster of Action nodes, this port is used by the Vault instance to communicate with each other. |
RSKEYSERVICE_LOG | OFF | Log verbosity level for Vault logging within RSRemote and RSMgmt log files. Possible values: OFF, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. Recommended level for production: WARN or INFO. |
RSVAULT_PORT | 8300 | Port used for local loopback communication between RSVault and RSKeyservice. |
The properties in the next table are available in each of the following files:
The properties are autoconfigured if the RSRemote and RSMgmt services are on the same server as the RSVault and RSKeyservice services. In the case of standalone RSRemote and RSMgmt instances, you must manually replicate the values across all of them.
Property Name | Default Value | Description |
vault.authentication | APPROLE | Sets the Vault authentication engine. Ensure that this value is always set to APPROLE. No other authentication type is supported. |
vault.app-role | rsremote or rsmgmt, depending on the file | Vault role name for the component. It can be either rsremote or rsmgmt . |
vault.app-role.role-id | empty | Only for RSRemote Vault Role ID for the RSRemote role. |
vault.uri | empty | RSKeyservice API URL |
vault.ssl.trust-store | classpath:ca.cert.jks | Do not modify |
vault.ssl.trust-store-password | resolve | Do not modify |
vault.token | short-lived token value | Only for RSRemote Replace with the short-lived Vault token generated using the RSMgmt role. Refresh every time RSMgmt is stopped or the token expires (whichever comes first). |
server.port | 8081 | Only in application-rest.properties Port used for local web traffic between RSView and RSMgmt. Does not need to be opened to external web traffic. |
Vault Policies and Roles
Actions Pro internally creates three policies and two roles in Vault as described below.
Policy | Roles | Capabilities |
resolve-admin | rsmgmt | The role can read and write secrets and create Role ID and Secret ID for RSRemote. |
resolve-user | rsremote | The role can read secrets. |
resolve-initial | The role cab read and write secrets and Role ID and Secret ID for RSRemote. |