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Version: SaaS

Time Frames

Understanding Time Frames

Time frames are designated time slots used to define the timing validity of conditions, policy actions, and to condition by time-slots, the activities of workflows.

Choose Repository > General and open the Time Frames list. The following window is displayed:

Managing Time Frames

The time frame list provides the following information:

NameThe name of the time frame object
DescriptionThe description of the time frame object
Time ZoneThe selected international Time zone
ValidityThe period in which the time frame object is valid: The beginning and end time of the time frame
Active OnActive days of the week for the time frame object

To add a time frame:

  1. Click the plus icon.
    The Time Frames properties window appears.
  2. In the Name field, enter the time frame object's name.
    For example: "Weekend".
  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the time frame object.
  4. Select the Time Zone.
  5. In Valid From and Valid Until, set the date range in which the time frame will be valid.
    You can select both dates from the Calendar widget.
  6. In Days, select one or more days in which the time frame is valid.
  7. Use the Between spin wheels to set its starting time and ending time.
    You can also select each time field and type in the times in hh:mm 24-hour format.
  8. Click Save.