๐๏ธ Integration Modules Overview
Integration modules are used for connecting to and receiving events from third-party systems or services.
๐๏ธ Email - Gmail Module
The Email - Gmail Module provides a communication channel between VAR::PRODUCT_FULL and Gmail. Once the Gmail Module is configured and available, it can read and send emails using the Gmail service.
๐๏ธ Email - Office 365 Module
The Email - Office 365 module provides a bidirectional communication channel (sending and reading emails) between an Office 365 mailbox and VAR::PRODUCT LIVE Dashboard.
๐๏ธ Event Gateway
The Event Gateway provides a RESTful API to receive events from external sources. It automatically parses the request body and maps the received data to VAR::PRODUCT variables for use in workflow design.
๐๏ธ Jira Module
The Jira Module provides a bidirectional communication channel between Jira and VAR::PRODUCT.
๐๏ธ ServiceNow Module
The ServiceNow Module provides a communication channel between ServiceNow and VAR::PRODUCT.
๐๏ธ SolarWinds Module
The SolarWinds NPM Module provides a bidirectional communication channel between SolarWinds NPM and VAR::PRODUCT.
๐๏ธ Using Webhooks to Forward Events
The events API can be used as a webhook to forward events in your Resolve Actions instance.