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Version: 7.9


Dockerized Actions Pro version is now available for current Actions Pro users. Actions Pro images can be obtained by contacting Resolve support. Docker Compose configures and manages the components (services) required to run Actions Pro in a preconfigured image.

Supported Older Versions

This guide addresses upgrades from Resolve Actions Pro 7.3 or later to Actions Pro

To update from 7.2 or previous versions, you must use the standard update process to update Actions Pro to the latest patch of version 7.3.

Environment Configuration


  1. Make sure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on the node.

Stop Running Actions Pro

Stop running Actions Pro:

/resolve_home/bin/ all

Install on a Machine with Existing Pro Version

The update-docker-compose.yml file expects to find the file under the blueprint folder:


If you are installing Docker on a machine where an older version of Actions Pro is already installed, you should update the line under volumes to:


Validate Database Details

Enter database details in the environment section under setup-mariadb/setup-oracle.

The environment section under update_mariadb/update_oracle services contains two properties:

  • currentBuildVersion=

  • installBuildVersion=

    currentBuildVersion is the current installed version of Actions Pro. installBuildVersion is the new version to which DB will be updated. You will not need to change this.


Properties shared among multiple components should be removed from the environment section of the docker-compose.yml file and placed in the actionspro.env file.

Update Operation

Start the update operation once setup is finished. This operation will update the database needed for the installation.

For MariaDB/MySQL:

docker compose -f update-docker-compose.yml --profile mariadb up

For Oracle DB:

docker compose -f update-docker-compose.yml --profile oracle up

Point Dockerized Pro to the Updated Database

Once the update operation is complete:

  1. Comment out mariadb service from the docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Comment out the reference to mariadb, including its child element, from the depends_on section of the services in the docker-compose.yml file.

  3. Copy and paste DB-related properties from your existing file to the new actionspro.env file. These properties include: DB_TYPE

Using Existing Elasticsearch Data

If existing Elasticsearch data is not needed, skip this section.

To use existing Elasticsearch data with Dockerized Pro, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Elasticsearch Data Volume
  • Point the esdata volume to the existing Elasticdata folder in the docker-compose.yml file.
  • For example, change: esdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data to /host/machine/elastic/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
  1. Copy Configuration Files
  • Copy all the files from the existing elasticsearch/config/certs folder and kibana/config/kibana.keystore to the certs folder referred by the docker-compose.yml file.

Update Pro License Files

Copy existing Pro license file(s), with .lic extension into the license folder referred to by Docker Compose's review service. If a new license does not apply, delete or rename your licensing file.

Run Actions Pro

Run Actions Pro by executing:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

The -d flag will allow you to run Actions Pro in detached mode, enabling background execution while still allowing you to view it on localhost.