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Version: 11.0



Resolve Insights allows you to generate reports which are necessary to monitor the system and network health as well as troubleshoot network problems. You can schedule reports to run automatically on selected days and times, export reports to XLS format, and email reports once or on a regular basis.

Email Configuration

Before you can send reports over email, you need to configure an outbound SMTP server. You can do that by going to Settings > Email Configuration or clicking the Configure Email button on Reports > Schedule/Generate Reports to go to the same settings.

Running a Report

Several types of reports can be generated to run on an immediate or scheduled basis.

  • The Inventory report provides a full list of your inventory with all the available per-item information. You can apply different filters per site, device type, or discovery time.
  • The Service Flows report provides a detailed list of the service flows per site, application, or device group.
  • The Vcenter report provides a detailed list of the discovered Vcenters and their virtual machines.
  • The Xen Center report provides a detailed list of the discovered Xen centers and their virtual machines.
  • The Undiscovered Devices report provides a list of ping-only devices for which the discovery process couldn't collect details.

Take the following steps to generate a report:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Schedule/Generate Reports.
  2. Choose what to do with the report to be generated:
    • Download—Download the report immediately after generation.
    • Instant Email—Send the report over email immediately after generation.
    • Email Schedule—Schedule a regular report sent over email. You will be able to specify the schedule details when configuring the selected reports.
  3. From the table, select the report type that you want to generate.
    You can select multiple reports.
  4. Configure each of the selected reports by filling in its columns as explained in the next table. If you selected Email Schedule, additional fields are enabled to allow you to specify the schedule.
  5. In Report Name, provide a name for the deliverable containing all the selected reports.
  6. If you selected any of the email options, in Email Id/s, enter a comma-separated list of recipient email addresses.
  7. Click Generate to run the report.
Report TypeChoose the appropriate Report by type from the drop-down list.
SitesSelect a particular site or all sites from the Select Sites drop-down.
Device TypeSpecify the device type. You can generate the report for Device Types or Device Groups or Applications but not simultaneously.
Device GroupSpecify the Device Group. You can generate the report for Device Types or Device Groups or Applications but not simultaneously.
Application/GroupSpecify the Application. You can generate the report for Device Types or Device Groups or Applications but not simultaneously.
Top NObsoleted For Performance Report and Availability Report, select the number of top devices.
SeverityObsoleted For Events Report and Alerts Report, select one or more severity levels.
ServicesFor Service Flows Report, select one or more services.
Report Start DateDoes not apply to Email Schedule Enter a date in the provided text box or click the calendar icon to open a calendar from which you can choose a date. Choose the time from the hours and minutes drop-down lists. The report begins to run on this data and at this time.
Report End DateDoes not apply to Email Schedule Enter a date in the provided text box or click the calendar icon to open a calendar from which you can choose a date. Choose the time from the hours and minutes drop-down lists. The report generation ends on this data and at this time.
Report Duration (Hrs)Only for Email Schedule How many hours of data will the report contain. The end of the duration coincides with the report generation time as defined by Schedule Interval (Hrs) and Schedule Start Date. For example, if the report is scheduled for 8 p.m. and the duration is set to 3 hours, the report will present the data between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Schedule Interval (Hrs)Only for Email Schedule How often the report will be generated, in hours.
Schedule Start DateOnly for Email Schedule Data and time when the schedule will begin. The first report is generated at the scheduled start and then every Schedule Interval (Hrs) hours. Schedules run indefinitely until you delete them from the Scheduled Reports tab.
Include Incomplete FlowsFor Service Flows Report, if you want to include incomplete flows in the report, check the box.
Report NameSpecify a name for the report.

Viewing Reports

All generated reports are available in the Download Center section regardless of whether you have chosen one of the email options. Each report features detailed information about its status, properties, and content. You can see the history of a report generation, download the reports, or delete them.

If multiple reports were generated at once, they are grouped under the name that you specified and can be accessed by the arrow at the beginning of the row, next to the general report name. You can download some of the reports or the entire set.

Go to the Scheduled Reports tab to view active schedules. Active reports are reports whose Start Date has come. Schedules run indefinitely until you delete them.