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Version: 11.0

Device Details APIs

POST /api/v2/devices/allInfo


Get the complete information about a device. The result contains consolidated information from different endpoints and indices.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes
orgIdThe ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgNameStringYes
siteIdThe ID of the site. The format is SiteId:SiteNameStringYes

Query Parameters


Body Parameters

deviceConrollerPostBodyFilter with the device ID. The format is JSON. Example {"deviceId": "<deviceID>"}ObjectYes

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <SITE-ID>, <API-TOKEN> & <DEVICE-ID> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/devices/allInfo/?isHidden=false' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'siteId: <SITE-ID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>' \
--data '{
"deviceId": "<DEVICE-ID>"


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with a dynamic body depending on the device type and found information. The response is constructed by the responses of other APIs, collecting data about the:

  • DataStore information of a device;
  • All IP addresses of a device;
  • Details of all interfaces of a device;
  • Storage summary of a device.

GET /api/v2/devices/discoveredService


Get a list of all services running on the device during the discovery.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes
orgIdThe ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgNameStringYes
siteIdThe ID of the site. The format is SiteId:SiteNameStringYes

Query Parameters

deviceIdDevice IDStringYes
pagePage number, starting from 1StringNo1
sizeNumber of devices per page. Minimum size is 1StringNo10
sortFieldSort fieldStringNo
sortOrderSort order (asc,desc)StringNoasc

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <SITE-ID>, <API-TOKEN> & <DEVICE-ID> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/devices/discoveredServices?deviceId=<DEVICE-ID>&page=1&size=100&sortField=lastUpdateTime&sortOrder=asc' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'siteId: <SITE-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>'


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with the following body:

pageInfoGeneral information about the page with returned resultsObject
- numberPage number returnedInteger
- sizePage size returnedInteger
- totalRecordsTotal number of recordsInteger
pageDataList of records detailsArray
- refString
- docStatusString
- lastUpdateTimeLast time when the device was updated. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZString
- lastCMDBUpdateTimeLast time the record was pushed to the CMDB. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZString
- cmdbSysIdThe CMDB ID associated with the recordString
- updateLogString
- orgIdOrganization IDString
- siteIdSite IDString
- groupIdDevice group IDString
- parentDevice parent nameString
- deviceIdDevice IDString
- hostNameDevice hostnameString
- vmNameDevice VM nameString
- devTypeDevice typeString
- devTypeEnumDevice typeString
- devSubTypeDevice subtypeString
- devSubTypeEnumDevice subtypeString
- nameNameString
- totalSpaceTotal disk spaceString
- remainingSpaceRemaining disk spaceString
- statusDisk statusString
- logicalBlockLengthDisk logical block lengthString
- diskTypeDisk typeString
- groupNetNetwork groupString
- netPoolNetwork poolString
- capacityCapacityString
- speedSpeedString
- manufacturerManufacturerString
- adapterIdAdapter IDString
- poolIdPool IDString
- driveTypeDrive typeString
- productString
- releaseString
- wwnWWN numberString
- rpmRPM package managerString
- raidLevelRAID levelString
- directorIdDirector IDString
- descriptionDescriptionString
- ipAddressList of IPv4 addresses associated with the deviceArray of strings
- ipv6AddressList of IPv6 addresses associated with the deviceArray of strings
- blockSizeBlock sizeString
- numberofblocksBumber of blocksString
- symDevsString
- disksCountNumber of disksString
- portsCountNumber of portsString
- adapterNumberNumber of adaptersString
- spaceUsedUsed disk spaceString
- dataFormateData format typeString
- numberOfBlocksNumber of blocksString
- freeBlocksNumber of free blocksString
- diskGroupDisk groupsString
- prctUsedString
- dcCreateTimeCreate time of the record on the DC serverInteger
- pidSetList of process identificationsArray of strings
- serviceNameService descriptionString
- serviceNameFullFull service description and pathString
- portPortString
- portSetList of portsArray of strings
- portPidMapMap between open ports and PIDs. Each element in the object is constructed by "port":"list of pids"Object
- protocolProtocolString
- fsAppRoleService roleString
- fsServiceService nameString
- stdInstallInstalled STDString
- appDiscoveryUseString
- serviceStateService statusString
- isJVMBoolean
- isAgentEnabledBoolean
- adminUserNameNot in use. Admin usernameString
- adminPasswordNot in use. Admin passwordString
- adminConsoleURLNot in use. Admin console pathString
- appNameToReloadNot in use. Reload application nameString
- javaVersionJAVA versionString
- packageToInstrumentString
- dcDeploymentStatusDC deployment statusString
- dcDeploymentMessageDC deployment messageString
- serverHomeLocationNot is use. Server home locationString
- serviceUserNot in use. Service usernameString
- nodeIdNode IDString
- tomcatContextHomeNot in use. Path to Tomcat home directoryString
- portSetTrimmedList of trimmed portsArray of strings