Device Details APIs
POST /api/v2/devices/allInfo
Get the complete information about a device. The result contains consolidated information from different endpoints and indices.
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Authorization | Bearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key> | String | Yes | |
orgId | The ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgName | String | Yes | |
siteId | The ID of the site. The format is SiteId:SiteName | String | Yes |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
isHidden | Boolean | No | false |
Body Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
deviceConrollerPostBody | Filter with the device ID. The format is JSON. Example {"deviceId": "<deviceID>"} | Object | Yes |
CURL Example
The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>
, <ORG-ID>
are variables.
curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/devices/allInfo/?isHidden=false' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'siteId: <SITE-ID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>' \
--data '{
"deviceId": "<DEVICE-ID>"
Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with a dynamic body depending on the device type and found information. The response is constructed by the responses of other APIs, collecting data about the:
- DataStore information of a device;
- All IP addresses of a device;
- Details of all interfaces of a device;
- Storage summary of a device.
GET /api/v2/devices/discoveredService
Get a list of all services running on the device during the discovery.
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
Authorization | Bearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key> | String | Yes | |
orgId | The ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgName | String | Yes | |
siteId | The ID of the site. The format is SiteId:SiteName | String | Yes |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
deviceId | Device ID | String | Yes | |
page | Page number, starting from 1 | String | No | 1 |
size | Number of devices per page. Minimum size is 1 | String | No | 10 |
sortField | Sort field | String | No | |
sortOrder | Sort order (asc,desc) | String | No | asc |
CURL Example
The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>
, <ORG-ID>
are variables.
curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/devices/discoveredServices?deviceId=<DEVICE-ID>&page=1&size=100&sortField=lastUpdateTime&sortOrder=asc' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'siteId: <SITE-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>'
Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with the following body:
Name | Description | Type |
pageInfo | General information about the page with returned results | Object |
- number | Page number returned | Integer |
- size | Page size returned | Integer |
- totalRecords | Total number of records | Integer |
pageData | List of records details | Array |
- ref | String | |
- docStatus | String | |
- lastUpdateTime | Last time when the device was updated. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZ | String |
- lastCMDBUpdateTime | Last time the record was pushed to the CMDB. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZ | String |
- cmdbSysId | The CMDB ID associated with the record | String |
- updateLog | String | |
- orgId | Organization ID | String |
- siteId | Site ID | String |
- groupId | Device group ID | String |
- parent | Device parent name | String |
- deviceId | Device ID | String |
- hostName | Device hostname | String |
- vmName | Device VM name | String |
- devType | Device type | String |
- devTypeEnum | Device type | String |
- devSubType | Device subtype | String |
- devSubTypeEnum | Device subtype | String |
- name | Name | String |
- totalSpace | Total disk space | String |
- remainingSpace | Remaining disk space | String |
- status | Disk status | String |
- logicalBlockLength | Disk logical block length | String |
- diskType | Disk type | String |
- groupNet | Network group | String |
- netPool | Network pool | String |
- capacity | Capacity | String |
- speed | Speed | String |
- manufacturer | Manufacturer | String |
- adapterId | Adapter ID | String |
- poolId | Pool ID | String |
- driveType | Drive type | String |
- product | String | |
- release | String | |
- wwn | WWN number | String |
- rpm | RPM package manager | String |
- raidLevel | RAID level | String |
- directorId | Director ID | String |
- description | Description | String |
- ipAddress | List of IPv4 addresses associated with the device | Array of strings |
- ipv6Address | List of IPv6 addresses associated with the device | Array of strings |
- blockSize | Block size | String |
- numberofblocks | Bumber of blocks | String |
- symDevs | String | |
- disksCount | Number of disks | String |
- portsCount | Number of ports | String |
- adapterNumber | Number of adapters | String |
- spaceUsed | Used disk space | String |
- dataFormate | Data format type | String |
- numberOfBlocks | Number of blocks | String |
- freeBlocks | Number of free blocks | String |
- diskGroup | Disk groups | String |
- prctUsed | String | |
- dcCreateTime | Create time of the record on the DC server | Integer |
- pidSet | List of process identifications | Array of strings |
- serviceName | Service description | String |
- serviceNameFull | Full service description and path | String |
- port | Port | String |
- portSet | List of ports | Array of strings |
- portPidMap | Map between open ports and PIDs. Each element in the object is constructed by "port":"list of pids" | Object |
- protocol | Protocol | String |
- fsAppRole | Service role | String |
- fsService | Service name | String |
- stdInstall | Installed STD | String |
- appDiscoveryUse | String | |
- serviceState | Service status | String |
- isJVM | Boolean | |
- isAgentEnabled | Boolean | |
- adminUserName | Not in use. Admin username | String |
- adminPassword | Not in use. Admin password | String |
- adminConsoleURL | Not in use. Admin console path | String |
- appNameToReload | Not in use. Reload application name | String |
- javaVersion | JAVA version | String |
- packageToInstrument | String | |
- dcDeploymentStatus | DC deployment status | String |
- dcDeploymentMessage | DC deployment message | String |
- serverHomeLocation | Not is use. Server home location | String |
- serviceUser | Not in use. Service username | String |
- nodeId | Node ID | String |
- tomcatContextHome | Not in use. Path to Tomcat home directory | String |
- portSetTrimmed | List of trimmed ports | Array of strings |