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Version: On-Premise 2.1

Error Handling

Understanding Error Handling

An error handling object is a rule activated upon an activity's error status during workflow execution. In the error handling rule you may decide how the workflow continues upon error detection:

  • Continue to the next activity
  • Go to a specific activity in the current workflow
  • Return an error message
  • Run the workflow in the background
  • Stop the workflow immediately
  • Stop the workflow immediately and run another workflow in the background

Choose Repository > General and open the Error Handling list. The following window is displayed:

Managing Error Handling Rules

The error handling rule list provides the following information:

NameName of the error handling object
DescriptionDescription of the error handling object
All Workflows
Used in Workflows

To add an error handling rule:

  1. Click the plus icon.
    The Error Handling properties window appears.
  2. Enter the error handling rule's Name.
    For example: "Unknown Host".
  3. In the Description field, you can enter the description of the error handling rule.
  4. Check Apply to All Workflows to apply the rule to all workflows.
  5. Under Error Messages, select the messages that will be sent when this error rule is activated.

    To create new Error Messages refer to Managing Error Messages.

  6. In the Retry Activity field, set the number of attempts to run the failing activity before handling the error.

    This parameter does not apply to communication activities.

  7. In Action, select the error handling method:
    • Continue to next activity - Continue to the next activity following the one which indicated the error
    • Go to Specific Activity in Current workflow - Go to a specific activity in the current workflow and skip the activities following the one that indicated the error. In this case, select the activity.
    • Return error message - Return an error message. In this case, compose a message.
    • Run Workflow in Background - Run a workflow in the background. In this case, select the workflow to run.
    • Stop Workflow Immediately - Stop the workflow immediately.
    • Stop Workflow Immediately And Run Workflow - Stop the workflow immediately and run the selected workflow. In this case, select an alternative workflow to run.
  8. Click Save. The new error handling rule is added to the list.