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Version: On-Premise 2.4

Configuring the IdP for SAML SSO

When setting up your IdP's SAML settings for Resolve Actions Express, make sure the following is in place:

  • Assertion consumer URL for the SP—Use one of the following URLs:
    • https://<Server Name or IP Address>:8442
  • Required SAML response attributes:
    • NameId—The user ID that you are sending back to Actions Express must be the part of the UPN preceding the @ character (the username/logon name).
    • domainName—Configure it to contain the last part of the UPN, after the @ symbol.
    • userGroups—Configure it to contain the list of groups that the user is a member of.
  • Optional SAML response attributes (see Including Optional Attributes):
  • first_name—Configure it to contain the first name of the user.
  • last_name—Configure it to contain the last name of the user.
  • activeDirectoryId—Configure it to contain the objectGUID of the user.