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Choose Repository > External Development and open the Development list. The following window is displayed:

The Development list provides the following information:

NameProgram name
Language TypeC#, VB.NET, or Python
DescriptionProgram description

The only available action icons are New and Delete.

Adding a Development Program

To add a development program:

  1. From the top right corner of the schedules list, click the plus icon.
    The development program properties screen appears.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the command.
  3. In the Language field, enter a description for the command.
  4. In the Assembly List table you will need to add the relevant DLL files required by your program.
  5. In the Code area, you can write your code or paste it from an external tool.
  6. When you click Save, the compiler will run. Save will only work if you have an error-free compile.